Check the identity and credibility of the seller. This will help you to know if you dealing with the right owner of the land. Deal with the family head if the land belongs to a family. If it belongs to an individual, be sure to check the background of the person you dealing with before making any payment.
Check the legal documents covering the land. Be sure to check if there is and indenture covering the land or a lease document (in that case, check the number of years remaining on the lease), site plan etc. Ensure that the size indicated on the site plan corresponds with the size on the site.
Conduct a search at the Lands Commission. This search will further reveal other details on the said land so as to know if it has been acquired by someone else, and also if the documents given to you by the seller is genuine
Conduct a search at Collateral registry to know if the said land have not been used as a collateral for a loan transaction
Conduct a search at the court to ascertain if there is no pending litigation on the said land
Finally conduct a local enquiry from his neighborhood to know if there is no litigation on the land. This enquiry would also help you know the real owner or perceived owners of the land so as to make a better informed decision
Be sure to make the above enquiries before giving out any money to the seller
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